Home of the Emil Theatre
Mission Statement
Marietta’s Theatre in the Square is a forward-thinking, melanated focus, cultural theatrical experience telling stories of Ethnic Americans in an intimate proscenium 220-seat BlackBox. We are a professional community-based theatre venue that prides itself on celebrating the diverse rich culture of 21st-century entertainment. We are your home away from home. The place where all are welcomed and differences are celebrated. We strive to be our best for the community and our patrons. From award-winning theatre productions to children’s theatre, to acting and technical theatre and film classes, MTS offers a vast variety of programming to fulfill the needs of our local and greater community. Whether it be your first date, an anniversary, a holiday, a school trip, a family outing, or just your next night off, consider checking out our next production.
Artistic Director's Statement
N. Emil Thomas

Fences 2018

Partners 2021
I believe everyone is born with three different warning signs within their body; their brain, their heart, and their gut. As we age our warning signs are trained to answer to society’s standards. Theatre is supposed to be the reflection and embodiment of change in society. We write language that simulates the warning signs within audiences and ourselves. We use spectacle to simulate the warning signs within audiences and ourselves. Our vulnerability on stage simulates the warning signs within audiences and ourselves. As artists, we are responsible for making the statements on stage that the “accountant” continues to ignore even though he sees them every day. We are meant to tell stories of the past and present. We include when the world excludes. We breathe life into those no longer with us for various reasons. We remind each other of what the world looked like when there wasn’t peace, respect, dignity, love, or hope. We teach. We share. We give. That is theatre. That is my theatre. My work is simply an exercise of my warning signs. Theatre should match the community it lives in.
I am a black man who will create theatre written by, starring, and about Black people.
I am a Puerto Rican man who will create theatre written by, starring, and about Latin people.
I am an American who will create theatre written by, starring, and about Americans.
I am a human who will create theatre written by, starring, and about humans regardless of their race, gender, sexual identity, religion, age, or disability.
My Theatre will reflect the world I live in honestly, visually, physically, religiously, sexually, politically, and lovingly. I am a source of evolution. It is my intention to constantly evolve with any community of artists that want to make theatre about us, for us, by us.
It is under this umbrella that I will lead Marietta’s Theatre in the Square to be a theatre that is inclusive of all. Theatre that speaks to audiences from multiple generations. Theatre that is true, fun, caring, and worth the lesson.
30 years of history just doesn’t go out the door.
Here’s to 30 more!
Emil Thomas
Artistic Director